Sunday, September 29, 2024

Hello Again, Friends!


It's not even morning, I just loved this cute graphic!  :)

Good afternoon, and hello again!  It's been awhile since I posted here, and I have had a lot of changes over the past few months!

I'm not even sure where to start, but I guess since this is where I post my weekly menus, I'll start with food.

Since I posted my last menu, my diet has changed DRAMATICALLY.  And I mean DRAMATICALLY!  At my last menu post, I weighed more than I have ever weighed in my life, even when I was pregnant and you couldn't tell me apart from a beached whale.  204 pounds to be exact.  We were scheduled to go on vacation at the end of June, and I thought maybe I could lose a few pounds if I went on a low carb diet.  So I started eating low carb, and was doing okay on that.  I lost a couple pounds before we left, and I decided that I would continue it while on vacation.  Well, I'm not sure what happened, (I blame You Tube and my constant research for low carb recipes), but by mid-July I was following a Carnivore diet.  If you're not familiar with a Carnivore diet, it simply is animal based.  By that I mean I eat only meat - fish, chicken, beef, and pork.  And butter and eggs.  No veggies, very little if any cheese or dairy.  

Well.  Since mid-July I have lost over 30 pounds, and I feel GREAT!  I have never felt better in my life!  I have lots of energy, I wake up refreshed and ready to start the day, I sleep great each night, I am calm and peaceful....I could go on and on.  I am never hungry, and I don't get those shaky feelings like I used to get

At this point, I must say that I have something called Graves Disease, and it is a thyroid disorder.  The doctors killed off my thyroid many years ago by having me drink radioactive iodine, so now I am hypothyroid.  I take levothyroxine daily as a synthetic thyroid.  My doctor told me that it was futile for me to try and lose weight, because I don't have a thyroid and my metabolism is just not there.  I had pretty much given up trying, and just ate whatever I wanted within my boundaries.  I also was celiac and had many tummy issues because of inflammation.  I was always tired and didn't ever feel GOOD.  But I was always eating!  I snacked all day long to get energy to do whatever I had to do!  I even ate before I went to bed!  Usually ice cream or a sweet snack, like a piece of cake or pie.

So here I am in September, totally committed to staying Carnivore.  I have never felt better.  I am still losing weight, although it is coming off slower.  But I don't care, because I feel so good!  I am able to take walks without getting so tired I have to sit down and rest, I can do my daily chores and more and still have energy in the evening, and so much more.  I don't crave or want sweets, no more chips or candy, just....well, meat!

So, my meals are WAY different than before!  Here is what I ate (or am going to eat) today:

Breakfast - A tin of sardines and an egg

Lunch - none.  Not hungry.  I only eat when I'm starting to get hungry, or when food starts sounding good.  At about 3:00, I ate a piece of liver sausage on pork rinds that I use as crackers.

Dinner - Spare ribs that I made in the crockpot, and some chicken sausages.

That's it, folks.  I don't cook like I used to!  I don't spend hours in the kitchen, and I don't spend much time planning meals.  I go to the store and buy steak, hamburger, and whatever pork or chicken sounds good.  That is about it.  I have freed up so much of my time!  I am able to lots of things I didn't have much time for before, mostly my crafts, walking, and reading.  Most of my inflammation and stomach issues have gone away for the most part, my skin is so soft, and I get so much more done because I feel so good!

That leaves me with the question of what to do with this blog.  For now, I have no meal plans to add.  I could share more about the carnivore way of eating, or what I'm reading and crafting, or faith based posts.  I'm not sure if anyone is interested in that or not!  

Please let me know with a comment if you're interested in anything like that.  Since the weather cooled off, I do feel an urge to bake, and I'm sure I will be baking things to give away.  Also, my husband is only carnivore to the extent that he has to eat what I make.  But he still eats a variety of foods and enjoys his sweets.  I'm not forcing him to change, but I'm also not cooking a completely different meal for one person!  

If you have any suggestions on what you'd like to see me post, please let me know.  I'd like to keep it going somehow!  For now, I have no plans to change my diet, as this is the best thing I've ever done and I wish I had done it 40 years ago! 

I'll try and figure out what to do with this blog, but for now, enjoy the rest of your Sunday and God bless you!
