Sunday, November 15, 2020

Weekly Menu Plan Nov. 15-21, 2020


Hello again!

Another week flew by!  I got a lot done this week, and got a really good start on my Christmas shopping.  It seems like COVID is increasing in our area, and the high school just went back to a hybrid schedule last week.  Elementary is going to stay open, at least for now.  My middle granddaughter, who is a junior in high school, goes to school 2 days each week in person, and has virtual learning for the rest of the week.  I decided to stay over at her house with her each day, because I just don't like kids staying home alone all day so often.  Now and then it's okay, and I'm sure she'd be just fine if I left her home, but in this day and age I worry.  Last week she just enjoyed having company when she was taking a break between her classes, and I fixed her a good lunch and she had someone to talk to at lunch time.  

My daughter's elementary school, where she teaches, is going full-time virtual after Thanksgiving.  However, teachers still have to go in to work.  They will teach from their classrooms.  My youngest granddaughter's elementary school is still open.  But that got me thinking that things may start closing down again, if the rates keep climbing.  So this weekend I hit the stores, and got a bunch of my Christmas shopping done!  That feels so good!  And this week, when the middle granddaughter is at school, I have a list to go get done so that I will be very close to finished, if not completely finished.  WOOHOO!

For awhile, I will be making dinners that are easy to fix.  Since I pick up the little one from elementary school each day, and then wait at their house until either my daughter or son-in-law gets home, some nights I don't get home until 6:00 or 6:30.  I prep what I can during the day, and do most of my baking at their house.  I feel almost like I've gone back to work full time!  But it's so great being able to be there for my family when they need it!

Since next week is Thanksgiving, I will have an easy week next week.  We are going to my daughter's house for Thanksgiving, so I will not be cooking that day.  I plan on making a few things to take over there, as well as a gluten free dessert, but that's a whole lot easier than hosting the whole dinner!

I hope you all stay safe and healthy this week, and always!  It's a crazy world we live in right now!

Here is my menu plan for this week.  Just click on the links to view the recipes from the great many blogs where I get them.  I love recipe blogs!  It's like having an infinite number of cookbooks right on hand, whenever you want them!  If you haven't checked out my Pinterest boards, please feel free to do that!  I have a huge collection of recipes and quilting/sewing ideas!  You might find something you like!

That's it for this week!  Have a wonderful week, and take care!


  1. Thank you for this week! Looking forward to seeing what you will do for Thanksgiving week!

    1. Hi Linda! I am working on next week, and will share some of my gluten free alternatives I use for Thanksgiving. Thanks for stopping by, and have a great week!

  2. Thank you, Marilyn! I appreciate you hosting the party, and I find so many good recipes and crafts there! I will definitely be back, thanks again!
