As it turns out, once again and always, God is good! I am feeling much better, I am getting back to my normal routine, and I am planning my meals ahead of time again. I love that God is with us through whatever happens to us and around us. Faith and prayer are great sources of peace and comfort!
This coming week is a little less busy than I've been. Only 2 minor appointments! Woohoo! I am WAY behind on housework and sewing, but I'll get caught up one way or another. I'm just glad that food sounds good again!
For this week, I've got a variety of meals - some tried and true, and some new to me. They all sounded good as I looked through my cookbooks and online. I hope they all turn out!
Tonight we are having a tried and true - Slow Cooker Meatballs over Egg Noodles, and Green Beans. One of my favorite comfort foods! I use gluten free egg noodles by Jovial, and I get them at Wal Mart. The meatballs I use are frozen, and I buy them at Sams Club. They are gluten free and very good. Dessert is a cheesecake I have been wanting to try. It's gluten free, but not dairy free, so I will have to refrain from eating too much of it. I am hoping the rest of the family likes it, so I can give some away to them. A whole cheesecake is a lot for 2 people! I think it will be really yummy, though!
Here is my menu plan for this week - I can't believe we are in the last whole week of February already! I'm ready for spring though, I bet you are too!
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