Sunday, September 29, 2024

Hello Again, Friends!


It's not even morning, I just loved this cute graphic!  :)

Good afternoon, and hello again!  It's been awhile since I posted here, and I have had a lot of changes over the past few months!

I'm not even sure where to start, but I guess since this is where I post my weekly menus, I'll start with food.

Since I posted my last menu, my diet has changed DRAMATICALLY.  And I mean DRAMATICALLY!  At my last menu post, I weighed more than I have ever weighed in my life, even when I was pregnant and you couldn't tell me apart from a beached whale.  204 pounds to be exact.  We were scheduled to go on vacation at the end of June, and I thought maybe I could lose a few pounds if I went on a low carb diet.  So I started eating low carb, and was doing okay on that.  I lost a couple pounds before we left, and I decided that I would continue it while on vacation.  Well, I'm not sure what happened, (I blame You Tube and my constant research for low carb recipes), but by mid-July I was following a Carnivore diet.  If you're not familiar with a Carnivore diet, it simply is animal based.  By that I mean I eat only meat - fish, chicken, beef, and pork.  And butter and eggs.  No veggies, very little if any cheese or dairy.  

Well.  Since mid-July I have lost over 30 pounds, and I feel GREAT!  I have never felt better in my life!  I have lots of energy, I wake up refreshed and ready to start the day, I sleep great each night, I am calm and peaceful....I could go on and on.  I am never hungry, and I don't get those shaky feelings like I used to get

At this point, I must say that I have something called Graves Disease, and it is a thyroid disorder.  The doctors killed off my thyroid many years ago by having me drink radioactive iodine, so now I am hypothyroid.  I take levothyroxine daily as a synthetic thyroid.  My doctor told me that it was futile for me to try and lose weight, because I don't have a thyroid and my metabolism is just not there.  I had pretty much given up trying, and just ate whatever I wanted within my boundaries.  I also was celiac and had many tummy issues because of inflammation.  I was always tired and didn't ever feel GOOD.  But I was always eating!  I snacked all day long to get energy to do whatever I had to do!  I even ate before I went to bed!  Usually ice cream or a sweet snack, like a piece of cake or pie.

So here I am in September, totally committed to staying Carnivore.  I have never felt better.  I am still losing weight, although it is coming off slower.  But I don't care, because I feel so good!  I am able to take walks without getting so tired I have to sit down and rest, I can do my daily chores and more and still have energy in the evening, and so much more.  I don't crave or want sweets, no more chips or candy, just....well, meat!

So, my meals are WAY different than before!  Here is what I ate (or am going to eat) today:

Breakfast - A tin of sardines and an egg

Lunch - none.  Not hungry.  I only eat when I'm starting to get hungry, or when food starts sounding good.  At about 3:00, I ate a piece of liver sausage on pork rinds that I use as crackers.

Dinner - Spare ribs that I made in the crockpot, and some chicken sausages.

That's it, folks.  I don't cook like I used to!  I don't spend hours in the kitchen, and I don't spend much time planning meals.  I go to the store and buy steak, hamburger, and whatever pork or chicken sounds good.  That is about it.  I have freed up so much of my time!  I am able to lots of things I didn't have much time for before, mostly my crafts, walking, and reading.  Most of my inflammation and stomach issues have gone away for the most part, my skin is so soft, and I get so much more done because I feel so good!

That leaves me with the question of what to do with this blog.  For now, I have no meal plans to add.  I could share more about the carnivore way of eating, or what I'm reading and crafting, or faith based posts.  I'm not sure if anyone is interested in that or not!  

Please let me know with a comment if you're interested in anything like that.  Since the weather cooled off, I do feel an urge to bake, and I'm sure I will be baking things to give away.  Also, my husband is only carnivore to the extent that he has to eat what I make.  But he still eats a variety of foods and enjoys his sweets.  I'm not forcing him to change, but I'm also not cooking a completely different meal for one person!  

If you have any suggestions on what you'd like to see me post, please let me know.  I'd like to keep it going somehow!  For now, I have no plans to change my diet, as this is the best thing I've ever done and I wish I had done it 40 years ago! 

I'll try and figure out what to do with this blog, but for now, enjoy the rest of your Sunday and God bless you!


Sunday, June 2, 2024

A June Hello


Hello there!

I can't believe it's June already, can you?  This year is really flying by!

Just checking in to let you know that I'm thinking of taking the summer off from menu planning!  I've been so busy lately, and we are eating a lot of salads and grilling out most of our dinners.

I basically am grabbing chicken or steak or burgers from the freezer, grilling them, and making a side salad to go with it.  Not much planning involved!

I also have discovered a little local shop that carries fresh berries of all kinds, and produce of all kinds.  Their prices are amazing!  Blackberries are 2 containers for $1.00, same for raspberries.  A large container of blueberries is $1.00, and they are all name brand, same as at Kroger or Meijer.  I buy Dole mixed salad bags for $1.00 - the kind that comes with cheese and salad dressing!  Amazing!  So I stock up on fruits and veggies there, and we're eating a ton of fresh delicious fruit.

I have so many things going on this summer, taking the youngest grand to all her practices and activities.  That keeps me busy in itself, plus we have a couple short trips planned.  I'm trying to get my housework and sewing done in between running her back and forth, and by the end of the day I'm exhausted.

So....I'm having trouble making time for planning meals and grocery shopping. It's pretty hit or miss at this point.  

I hope you all have a great summer, and I'll probably be back in August when school starts and I get back into my normal routine.  Until then, stay safe and take care!


Sunday, May 5, 2024

A Week Off


Hi there!

I'm taking this week off due to some minor foot surgery.  I'm not walking much this week, and will just rest and heal!

I should be back next week with another menu plan - see you then!

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Weekly Menu Plan April 28 - May 4, 2024


Hi there!  It's almost May, and those April showers sure did bring out those May flowers!  My lilacs are blooming, I have a horse chestnut tree that has beautiful white cone-shaped flowers on it, tulips are up, and magnolias have bloomed.  So beautiful!  I sat outside on my porch swing yesterday, and actually got a little sunburn!  My bluebirds are hatching their eggs, I think, as mama just sticks her head out of the birdhouse now and then.  Papa is busy bringing takeout for her.  

I hope you're enjoying beautiful weather where you live, because I'm sure enjoying it here.

I have another busy week of tennis ahead.  Three matches three days in a row, then more practices.  I don't know how these kids do it!  The two college girls are finished for the summer, and the youngest one has 4 more weeks and she'll be on summer break.  We are all planning some vacation time together, but most of the youngest one's summer is tennis and marching band.  The oldest girls work all summer, so everyone keeps very busy, including me!

Last week's hit and misses:

I was lukewarm on the chicken pizza crust.  To be fair, I think I overbaked it.  It wasn't bad, it wasn't good.  It was just okay.  I might try it again with a few tweaks.  My husband didn't know it was a chicken crust, he thought it was just regular crust.  It doesn't taste chicken-y.  It was great, though, if you're looking for a low carb pizza crust.  It definitely works, I just didn't think it was great.

My winner of the week was the Chopped Salad with Pasta.  I used gluten free elbow mac and tuna.  It was so good!  The dressing was just yummy!  I didn't want to use hot sauce, like the recipe called for, because I enjoy having a stomach lining.  So, I squirted in some gluten free Japanese Barbecue Sauce I got at Jungle Jim's.  If you haven't been to Jungle Jim's grocery store, you are missing out on the ultimate shopping experience.  We usually go there once or twice a year, because it's in Ohio.  And it takes the entire day to get through the store.  But SO WORTH IT!  It is huge!  They have a really good gluten free section, and they have EVERYTHING you could ever want and more.  Check it out online if you haven't been there.  But in person is the way to shop there, you can't believe how much they carry!  If you can't find it there, you can't find it anywhere.  Anyway, the salad was SUPER DELICIOUS and I will make it again soon.

Here is this week's menu plan.  Links and notes are below.  If the recipe is not written for gluten free, I just sub gluten free items for the regular.


Gluten Free Carrot Cake


Slow Cooker Pot Roast


Gluten Free Pancakes

Portillos Chopped Salad

Gluten Free Apple Crisp


Gluten Free Carrot Cake Muffins

Gluten Free Chicken Fajitas


Gluten Free French Toast

Buffalo Chicken Pasta Salad (use gluten free pasta)


Italian Sausage and Peppers

Gluten Free Oreo Cheesecake


Baked Western Omelet

And that's it for the coming week!  Have a beautiful week, and enjoy some good meals with your friends and family!  See you next week!

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Weekly Menu Plan 4-21 to 4-27, 2024


How are you all doing this week?  I hope you had a great week last week, I know I am looking forward to the coming week!

The trees are all leafed out here, even though we had a touch of cold this weekend.  Nothing too severe, but I am ready for those 60's and 70's again.  Tennis is going great, so far my granddaughter is undefeated this season.  We still have many matches to go yet, so we'll see how the season plays out.  Regardless, I am so proud of her!  

As the weather warms up, I'm beginning to work more salads into our meal plan.  I can make them early in the day, which I like, and it's not so heavy at dinner time.  I've just had such a taste for salads lately!  I decided every other day is the goal for salads, although right now I think I could eat one for dinner every day.  

I'm also trying a gluten free pizza out this week that has a pizza crust made with canned chicken.  I know it sounds strange, but I keep reading all these rave reviews about them online.  Extra protein, no gluten, so what's not to love?  I'll see how that goes this week - I am looking forward to trying it!

I also have several easy desserts this week, and I'm trying to go a bit lighter there as well.  I like a little treat at the end of the day, but I'm fine with something light and not too heavy.  I keep several cartons of dairy free ice cream in my fridge, because I mostly go dairy free these days.  I do use lactose pills when I eat cheese, like on pizza, and they seem to work pretty well for me.  But if I make a dessert that has too much dairy in it, I'll just have a small dish of dairy free ice cream.  Breyers makes a wonderful gluten free dairy free Oatmilk ice cream that I love.  Vanilla and chocolate chip mint are both gluten and dairy free.  And yummy!

Here's my plan for the week.  Links and notes are below:






And now off to another busy week!  I hope you all have a wonderful week, and many happy meals with family and friends!  Take care and see you next week!

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Weekly Menu Plan 4/14-20, 2024


Hello!  Ready for another week of menus?  Sunday got here before I knew it!

We had a VERY rainy week last week, but today, it's sunny and 80 degrees.  I LOVE IT!  I am so ready for warm weather!  The coming week is all 60's and 70's, then it cools to the 50's for the weekend.  I'll take it.  We're halfway through April already, can you believe it?  This year is flying by.

I have a busy week ahead - 3 tennis matches and a tournament next weekend (for my granddaughter).  I'll be at all of them, I can't wait!  The weather should cooperate this week, at least it looks that way for now.

I'm prepping most meals in the morning, if I can, so we can eat early and scoot out of here.  At my age, I'm a slow scooter.  So I need a head start. :)

Here's the menu for this week.  I have several new recipes for me to try this week, so I hope they all turn out!  I love trying out new meals.  Notes and links are below the menu.


Gluten Free French Toast

Fried Apples - I refrigerated leftovers to use on Wednesday's waffles

Gluten Free Chicken Marsala - I tasted it (we haven't eaten yet) and it is very good!  


Gluten Free Sausage Gravy - we just eat this over toast

Gluten Free Shrimp Fajita Bowls - this is a new one for me

Gluten Free Strawberry Crumble Bars


Gluten Free Cinnamon Biscuit Balls

Smoked Sausage and Potato Skillet

Gluten Free Butter Dip Biscuits

Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cake


Gluten Free Waffles - these are really good!  I add an extra tablespoon of sugar.

Gluten Free Country Fried Steak and Gravy


Gluten Free Breakfast Burritos

Potato Salad

Gluten Free Peach and Almond Crisp


Ham and Cheese Casserole

Gluten Free Pizza - I'm trying this crust for the first time


Gluten Free Pancakes

Chicken Fried Rice

Gluten Free Kitchen Sink Cookies - new recipe for me, but I've got to try them!

That's what I've got for this week!  I hope you all have a lovely spring week, and I'll be back next week with yet another week of menus!  God bless you all!  Don't be afraid to say hi in the comments, I love to meet you all!

Sunday, April 7, 2024

weekly Menu Plan 4-7 to 4-13, 2024


I love spring!  I know tomorrow is all about the eclipse, especially here in Indiana, but I'm enjoying the warmer temps.  The past few days were CHILLY, but today I can sit outside on my porch swing without a jacket, and I can listen to the birds chirping and watch my bluebirds building their nest inside the birdhouse.  

I missed a couple weeks posting, I don't know what I do but I always seem busy.  Then, when I look back at the past couple weeks, I can't think of what I was doing that I was so busy!  But at the time it seemed like I was!  My youngest granddaughter was on spring break for 2 weeks, and I'm her source of rides and entertainment while she's off.  So that kept me busy, definitely!  We had a lot of fun, and I'm ready for a good long nap or two.  Hopefully this week I'll find time to do just that!

I baked several kinds of cookies the past two weeks, most of them were yummy.  I'm ready for a break from cookies, though, so this week it's pies and bar cookies.  At least bar cookies don't take so long to bake!  

On this week's menu plan, I forgot to label a couple of them gluten free.  But they're all gluten free, and most everything I make anymore is gluten free.  It's just too hard baking separate meals for my husband, and he's fine with whatever I serve him.  I'm lucky there!

Here is my week's worth of cooking this week.  Links and notes are below:




Beef Vegetable Soup - gluten free


Crispy BBQ Chicken - gluten free

Gluten Free Lemon Bars - I actually found a gluten free mix from Krusteaz at my Meijer store.  I bought one and may just use the mix and try it.  It depends how much energy I have on Wednesday!




That ought to do it for this week!  Tennis season has begun for the youngest granddaughter, and I'm all set to go to as many matches as I can - both in and out of town.  I will try not to miss any, because I love watching these kids play.  It's so much fun as a grandparent to see your grandkids evolve into such wonderful young adults!  And this team has a lot of talent - it amazes me!  I just love it!

Have a wonderful week, enjoy the eclipse if you're in a prime viewing area, and be sure to use those glasses if you're going to watch it.  I'll play it safe and watch it on TV, because honestly it scares me to death to look at it.  I guess the older I get, the more cautious I become!

See you next week with another meal plan!  God bless you all!