Sunday, January 24, 2021

Weekly Menu Plan for Jan 24-30, 2021


I don't know if it's cold where you are, but it sure is here!  The thing is, it really isn't a low temperature, it's just that the wind and the cloud cover make it a bone-chilling cold.  I just can't seem to warm up, unless I'm covered with a blanket!  We got a bit of snow this morning, but ice is on the way tonight and tomorrow.  I have an eye doctor appointment first thing tomorrow morning, but if it is icy, I'll be missing that one and staying home, safe and sound.

So what's on the menu this week?  Well, lots of gluten free recipes!  I am having so much fun trying out so many new recipes each week!  It seems like we all enjoy some variety, and being home so much during the winter makes dinner time extra special!

Here is my menu plan for the week.  The recipes that aren't designated gluten free will be tweaked to make them gluten free, so that I can have some, too!

That's what I'll be making this week!  I hope you find a new recipe or two to try out.  If you try something, let me know!  I'd love to know what you're all having, too!
Also new this week, I have started a new blog for my crafts and baking.  You can look at it HERE if you'd like to!  I only have a couple posts up, but have at least 3 more to add this week.  I am currently working on a January Table Topper which I will post later.
Have a great week, and enjoy your family meal times!

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